Thumbnail Title Play Director Year Company Language Country
7 Şekspir Müzikali (7 Shakespeares Musical) Antony and Cleopatra, As You Like It, Hamlet, Henry IV, part 1, Henry V, Julius Caesar, King Lear, Macbeth, Midsummer Night's Dream, Much Ado About Nothing, Othello, Pericles, Richard II, Romeo and Juliet, Tempest, Troilus and Cressida, Winter's Tale Aydoğan, Kemal 2009-2011 Oyun Atölyesi Turkish Turkey
A Megera Domada (The Taming of the Shrew) Taming of the Shrew Fagundes, Patricia 2008 Cia. Rústica Portuguese Brazil
A Midsummer Night’s Dream Midsummer Night's Dream Fagundes, Patricia 2006 Portuguese Brazil
A Midsummer Night’s Dream Midsummer Night's Dream Brook, Peter 1970 Royal Shakespeare Company English UK
A Midsummer Night’s Dream Midsummer Night's Dream Yang, Jung-Ung 2006 Yohangza Theatre Company Korean South Korea
A Midsummer Night’s Dream Midsummer Night's Dream Al-Shamma, James 2013 English United States
A Tempestade (The Tempest) Tempest Teatro Praga 2013 Teatro Praga Portuguese Portugal
A Theatre Company Found a Theatre and Theatred Hamlet Hamlet al-Ṭarīfi, Khālid 1984 Fawanees Theatre Troupe Arabic Morocco
About Othello: Or Who’s Afraid of William Shakespeare: A Collage of Various Shakespearean Texts Hamlet, Othello El Attar, Ahmed 2006 Arabic, English Egypt
African Tales by Shakespeare King Lear, Merchant of Venice, Othello Warlikowski, Krzysztof 2011 Nowy Teatr Polish Poland
Antony and Cleopatra Antony and Cleopatra Rodrigues, Tiago 2014 Mundo Perfeito English, Portuguese Portugal
Bir Baba Hamlet (A Father’s Hamlet) Hamlet Eren, Emrah 2017 Baba Sahne Turkish Turkey
Bond (Merchant of Venice) Merchant of Venice Lü, Po Shen 2011 Taiwan Bangzi Company [Taiwan Yujutuan] Henan Dialect Taiwan
Bond (Merchant of Venice) Merchant of Venice Lü, Po Shen 2009 Taiwan Bangzi Company [Taiwan Yujutuan] Henan Dialect Taiwan
Bruxas da Escócia (The Witches of Scotland) Macbeth Brandini, Ângelo 2014 Cia Vagalum Tum Tum Portuguese Brazil
By Heart Rodrigues, Tiago 2013 Mundo Perfeito Portuguese Portugal
Caliban Tempest Bonito, Eduardo 1997 English United Kingdom
Cesare deve morire (Caesar Must Die) Julius Caesar Taviani, Paolo and Vittorio 2011 Italian Italy
Che cosa sono le nuvole? (What are the clouds?) Othello Pasolini, Pier Paolo 1968 Italian Italy
Chicken Rice War Romeo and Juliet Cheah, C.K. 2000 Mediacorp Raintree Pictures Cantonese, English Singapore
Chimes At Midnight Henry IV, part 1, Henry IV, part 2, Henry V, Merry Wives of Windsor Welles, Orson 1965 English
Como te guste (As You Like It) As You Like It García Lozano, Mauricio 2002 El Teatro del Farfullero Spanish Mexico
Cordelia, Mein Kind (Leiser-Moore, 2014) King Lear Tashmadada English Australia
Coriolanus Coriolanus Fiennes, Ralph 2011 English United Kingdom
Den tragiska historien om Hamlet – Prins av Danmark Hamlet Lyth, Ragnar 1984 Swedish Sweden
Desdemona Othello Ong, Keng Sen 2000 TheatreWorks, Singapore Australia
Desdemona Othello Ong, Keng Sen 2001 TheatreWorks, Singapore English Japan
Dil Chahta Hai (The Heart Wants) Troilus and Cressida Akhtar, Farhan 2001 Hindi India
Doditello Othello Mahran, Sameh 2001 Arabic Egypt
Dois Cavalheiros de Verona (Two Gentlemen of Verona) Two Gentlemen of Verona Fraga, Gutti (Guti) 2006 Nós do Morro Portuguese Brazil
Dream of Hamlet Hamlet Hulagu, Ayhan 2021 Hamlet Isn't Dead; US Karagoz Theatre Company English, Turkish
El Somni d’una nit d’estiu (A Midsummer Night’s Dream) Midsummer Night's Dream Peris, Joan 2000 Teatre Micalet Catalan Spain
El vano afán del amor (Love’s Labor’s Lost) Love's Labor's Lost Caballero, José 2000 Spanish Mexico
Ensaio. Hamlet. Hamlet 2004 Compania dos Atores Portuguese Brazil
Forget Hamlet / Ophelia’s Window Hamlet Daood, Monadhil 2020 Arabic Iraq
Giulio Cesare Julius Caesar Baracco, Andrea 2012 Compagnia I Termini Italian Italy
Giulio Cesare (Julius Caesar) Julius Caesar Castellucci, Romeo 1997 Socìetas Raffaello Sanzio Italian
Ham-let Hamlet Martinez Corrêa, José Celso 1993 Portuguese Brazil
Hamik – Hamlet Hamlet Kim, Eunsung 2016 Seoul Metropolitan Theatre Korean South Korea
Hamlet Hamlet Doran, Gregory 2008 Royal Shakespeare Company English United Kingdom
Hamlet Hamlet Gielgud, John 1964 English United States
Hamlet Hamlet Plumb, Hay 1913 Silent United Kingdom
Hamlet Hamlet al-Demerdash, Nur; Sobhi, Mohamed (Muhammad Ṣubḥī) 1977 Academy of Arts; Art Studio Theatre; Galā’a Theatre Arabic Egypt
Hamlet Hamlet Branagh, Kenneth 1996 English United Kingdom
Hamlet Hamlet Yang, Jung-Ung 2009 Yohangza Theatre Company Korean Korea
Hamlet Hamlet Marchioro, Marcelo 1992 Portuguese Brazil
Hamlet Hamlet Maestri, Maria Federica; Pititto, Francesco 2011 Lenz Rifrazioni Italian Italy
Hamlet Hamlet Maestri, Maria Federica; Pititto, Francesco 2010 Lenz Rifrazioni Italian Italy
Hamlet Hamlet Yang, Jung-Ung 2010 Yohangza Theatre Company Korean Australia
Hamlet Hamlet Kurita, Yoshihiro 2007 Ryutopia Noh-theatre Shakespeare Japanese Japan
Hamlet Hamlet Mallik, Nilanko 2016 Shakespeare Youth Performances English India
Hamlet Hamlet Andrade, Jorge 2014 Mala Voadora Portuguese Portugal
Hamlet Hamlet Pessoa, Carlos J. 2012 Teatro da Garagem Portuguese Portugal
Hamlet Hamlet Kasapoğlu, Işıl 2013-2014 İstanbul State Theatre Turkish Turkey
Hamlet (Digital Stage series) Hamlet Çı̇çek, İbrahı̇m 2021 Turkish
Hamlet Gliwicki Hamlet Lachmann, Piotr (Peter) 2006 Lothe Lachmann - Videoteatr Poza Polish Poland
Hamlet or Three Boys and One Girl (2010) Hamlet Georgiev, Nikolay 2010 @lma @lter Student Theatre-Laboratory Bulgaria, English Croatia
Hamlet P’urhépecha Hamlet Arvide, Juan Carlos 1990 P'urhépecha, Spanish Mexico
Hamlet Q1 Hamlet Lee, Hyon-u 2009 Dionysos Drama Group; The Flow Theatre Korean South Korea
Hamlet sou eu (I am Hamlet) Hamlet Bento, Diogo; Jardim, Cláudia; Penim, Pedro 2007 Teatro Praga Portuguese Portugal
Hamlet the Actor Hamlet Sung, Chon-mo 2012 MJ Company Korean South Korea
Hamlet the Actor Hamlet Sung, Chon-mo 2013 MJ Company Korean South Korea
Hamlet the Killer Hamlet Tayebi, Masoud 2024 Mise.en.scene Academy of Performing Arts Persian Iran
Hamlet Unplugged Hamlet Lü, Po Shen 2005 Tainaner Ensemble Mandarin Taiwan
Hamlet/La Metamorfosis Hamlet Rivas, Carlos 2011 El Fulgor Spanish Argentina
Hamlet: The Drama of Revenge Hamlet Gade, Svend 1920 Silent Germany
Hamulaite Hamlet Lin, Zhaohua 1995 Beijing People's Art Theatre; Lin Zhaohua Drama Studio Mandarin Japan
Hayat Bayram Olsa (If Life were a Holiday) – Romeo and Juliet Romeo and Juliet Aksoy, Orhan 1973 Turkish Turkey
Henry VI Part III Henry VI, part 3 Blondell, John 2012 National Theatre of Bitola Macedonian UK
Hırçın Kız (The Taming of the Shrew) Taming of the Shrew Özbirgül, Bülent 2018 Department of Performing Arts, Süleyman Demirel University Turkish Turkey
Huapango Othello Lipkies, Ivan 2004 Vlady Realizadores Spanish Mexico
I Am Hamlet Hamlet Afifi, Hani 2009 Arabic Egypt
İkinci Katil (The Second Murderer) – Macbeth Macbeth Erdenk, Barış 2017-2018 Ankara State Theatre Turkish Turkey
Il Re Muore (The King Dies) – Richard II Richard II Angiulli, Laura 2018 Teatro Stabile d'Innovazione Galleria Toledo Italian Italy
In Othello Othello Abel, Roysten 2003 ANB Motion Pictures English India
Intikam Melegi – Kadin Hamlet (The Angel of Vengeance – The Female Hamlet) Hamlet Erksan, Metin 1977 Ugur Film Turkish Turkey
Iruthiattam King Lear Raju, R. 2001 Arangam Tamil India
Julius Caesar Julius Caesar Arabic Egypt
Kaamdeo ka Apna Basant Ritu ka Sapna (The Love God’s Own, A Spring Time Dream) Midsummer Night's Dream Tanvir, Habib 1993 Naya Theatre Chattisgarhi, Hindi India
Kaliyattam (The Play of God) Othello Nair, Rajasekharan Jayaram 1997 New Generation Cinema Malayalam India
Kannaki Antony and Cleopatra Nair, Rajasekharan Jayaram 2002 Malayalam India
Kathakali King Lear King Lear Leday, Annette 1999 Annette Leday/Keli Company Malayalam United Kingdom
Kıbrıslı William Shakespeare (Cypriot William Shakespeare) Hamlet, Othello, Romeo and Juliet Erçin, Gülşen; Vaiz, Mehmet Ekin 2020 Neydi Olacağı Turkish Turkey
Killbeth Macbeth Koh, Sun-Woong 2011 Playfactory Mabangzen Korean Korea
King John King John Dando, Walter Pfeffer; Dickinson, Laurie; Kennedy, William 1899 Biograph Company; British Mutoscope Silent United Kingdom
King Lear King Lear Tse, David 2006 Royal Shakespeare Company; Shanghai Dramatic Arts Center; Yellow Earth Theatre English, Mandarin United Kingdom
King Lear King Lear Nunn, Trevor 2007 Royal Shakespeare Company English United Kingdom
King Lear King Lear Abdel Halim, Ahmed 2002 National Theatre of Egypt Arabic Egypt
King Lear King Lear Lee, Hyon-u 2021 Korean South Korea
King Lear by the Belarus Free Theatre King Lear Shcherban, Vladimir 2012 Belarus Free Theatre Belarusian United Kingdom
King LeoR King Lear de Berardinis, Leo (1939-2008) 1996 Italian Italy
Kingdom of Desire Macbeth Wu, Hsing-kuo 1986 Contemporary Legend Theatre Company Mandarin Taiwan
Kırık Kalpler Bankası (The Bank of Broken Hearts) Romeo and Juliet Ünlü, Onur 2016 Turkish Turkey
Kral Lear (King Lear) King Lear Coleman, Basil 1981 The Turkish State Theatres (Devlet Tiyatroları-DT) Turkish Turkey
Kral Lear (King Lear) King Lear Kay, Malcolm Keith 2012-2013 Kocaeli Şehir Tiyatrosu Turkish Turkey
Kral “Soyatrım” Lear (“My Fool” King Lear) King Lear Sertdemir, Yiğit 2014 Altıdan Sonra; Pangar Turkish Turkey
Kraliçe Lear (Queen Lear) King Lear Esmer, Pelin 2019 Turkish Turkey
La tempesta Tempest Strehler, Giorgio (1921-1997) 1977-78 and 1983-84 Italian
La tempestad (The Tempest) Tempest Garcini, Salvador 2011 Spanish Mexico
Le duel d’Hamlet Hamlet Maurice, Clément 1900 Silent France
Lear King Lear Ong, Keng Sen 1997 TheatreWorks, Singapore Indonesian, Japanese, Mandarin, Thai Australia
Lear Dreaming King Lear Ong, Keng Sen 2012 TheatreWorks, Singapore Bahasa Indonesia, English, Japanese, Korean, Mandarin Singapore
Lear’s Daughters King Lear Tse, David 2003 The Women's Theatre Group & Elaine Feinstein; Yellow Earth Theatre English United Kingdom
Li cha san shi (Richard III) Richard III Lin, Zhaohua 2001 Beijing People's Art Theatre Mandarin China
Li’er zaici (Lear is Here) King Lear Wu, Hsing-kuo 2001 Contemporary Legend Theatre Company Mandarin Taiwan
Life Goes On (King Lear) King Lear Datta, Sangeeta 2009 Stormglass Productions English, Hindi UK
Locos X Romeo y Julieta Romeo and Juliet Conejero, Manuel Ángel 2012 Fundación Shakespeare de España Spanish Spain
Macbeth Macbeth Goold, Rupert 2010 BBC Films; WNET, channel 13 (aka Thirteen) English United Kingdom
Macbeth Macbeth Cruz, Ulysses 1992 Portuguese Brazil
Macbeth Macbeth Goldberg, Andrew; Tiffany, John 2012 National Theatre of Scotland English United States
Macbeth Macbeth Teixeira, Ana 2004 Amok Teatro Portuguese Brazil
Macbeth Macbeth Rodríguez, Jesusa 2002 Spanish Mexico
Macbeth Macbeth Chen, Dalian 2016 Chong Qing Theatre Company Mandarin China
Macbeth Macbeth Cardoso, João Paulo Ceara 2001 Teatro de Marionetas do Porto Portuguese Portugal
Macbeth Macbeth Mallik, Nilanko 2019 Shakespeare Youth Performances English India
Macbeth and What Follows Macbeth Arabic Egypt
Macbeth Mutfakta (Macbeth in the Kitchen) Macbeth Tamdoğan, Burak 2013 Kadro Pa Turkish Turkey
Macbeth Unplugged Macbeth Lü, Po Shen 2007 Tainaner Ensemble Taiwanese Taiwan
Macbeth, herói bandido (Macbeth, the Bandit-Hero) Macbeth Fagundes, Patricia 2004 Cia. Rústica Portuguese Brazil
Macbeth, the Scottish Play Macbeth Galdino, Regina 2008 Portuguese Brazil
Makebai furen (Lady Macbeth) Macbeth Cao, Ping 2001 Sichuan Youth Chuanju Opera Co. Mandarin Taiwan
Maqbool (Macbeth) Macbeth Bharadwaj, Vishal 2003 Kaleidoscope Entertainment Pvt. Ltd. Hindi, Urdu Canada
Maze, Spectacle, and Music: King Lear King Lear Fu, Hongzheng 2003 OFF Performance Workshop in collaboration with Body/Sound Theatre Co. Mandarin, Taiwanese Taiwan
Me Swapn Pahile (I Had A Dream) Midsummer Night's Dream Madhukar, Swapna 2024 Marathi Singapore
Measure for Measure Measure for Measure Donnellan, Declan 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 Cheek by Jowl Russian Russia
Mendoza [adaptation of Macbeth] Macbeth Carrillo, Juan 2016 Los Colochos Teatro Spanish Mexico
Merchant of Venice in Yemen (The Lamp Will Keep You Company) Merchant of Venice Hazaber, Amin 2012 Arabic Yemen
Mesnak Hamlet Durand, Yves Sioui 2011 Kunakan Productions; Les Films de l'Isle French Canada
Metal Macbeth Macbeth Inoue, Hidenori 2006 Gekidan Shinkansen Japanese Japan
Mickey B Macbeth Magill, Tom 2007 Educational Shakespeare Company Ltd English Northern Ireland, UK
Midsummer Night’s Dream Midsummer Night's Dream Miwa, Elica 2006 Theatre Company Subaru Japanese Japan
Mississippi Masala Romeo and Juliet Nair, Mira 1991 Black River Productions English United States
Moore – a Pacific Island Othello Othello Richter, Kepano (Stephen); Taft Mattos, Justina 2020 English, Japanese, Korean, ‘Ōlelo Hawai’i United States
Much Ado About Almost Nothing Much Ado About Nothing Yamamoto, Fernando 2003 Grupo de Teatro Clowns of Shakespeare Portuguese Brazil
Much Ado About Nothing Much Ado About Nothing Branagh, Kenneth 1993 English United Kingdom
Murat ile Nazlı (Murat and Nazlı) – Romeo and Juliet Romeo and Juliet Ün, Memduh 1972 Turkish Turkey
Nata e Dymbëdhjetë (Twelfth Night) Twelfth Night Anderson, Justin 2018 Teatri Metropol (Metropol Theatre) Albanian Albania
Nata e Dymbëdhjetë (Twelfth Night) Twelfth Night Mani, Piro 1982 Teatri Kombetar (National Theatre of Albania) Albanian Albania
Noche de Reyes (Twelfth Night) Twelfth Night Azurmendi, Jorge 2011 La Rabieta Producciones Spanish Argentina
Noh Macbeth Macbeth Izumi, Noriko 2006 Japanese Japan
O Bobo do Rei (The King’s Fool) King Lear Brandini, Ângelo 2010 Cia Vagalum Tum Tum Portuguese Brazil
O Conto do Inverno (The Winter’s Tale) Winter's Tale Herz, Daniel 2004 Companhia de Teatro Atores de Laura Portuguese Brazil
O Principe da Dinamarca (The Prince of Denmark) Hamlet Brandini, Ângelo 2011 Cia Vagalum Tum Tum Portuguese Brazil
One Husband Too Many (Yi qi liang fu) Romeo and Juliet Chan, Anthony 1988 Cantonese China
Ophelia Hamlet Tayebi, Masoud 2021 Mise.en.scene Academy of Performing Arts Persian Iran
Otelo (Othello) Othello Ríos, Claudia 2009 Spanish Mexico
Otelo (Othello) Othello Bittencourt, Jefferson 2014 Persona Cia de Teatro Portuguese Brazil
Otelo da Mangueira Othello Herz, Daniel 2006-2007 Portuguese Brazil
Othelito Othello Brandini, Ângelo 2007 Cia Vagalum Tum Tum Portuguese Brazil
Othello Othello Miyagi, Satoshi 2005 Ku Na Uka Theatre Company Japanese Japan
Othello Othello Bene, Carmelo (1937-2002) 1979 Italian Italy
Othellos, Cyprus Theatre Organization Othello Charalambous, Nikos 2010 Cyprus Theatre Organization (Thoc) Cyrpus
Pericles Pericles Kim, Kwang Lim 2010 Hwadong Theater Company Korean Korea
Poor Poor Lear King Lear Krohn, Katja; Sallinen, Nina 2013 English Macedonia
Puck de una noche de verano Midsummer Night's Dream Díaz, Marcelo 1995 Teatro El Galpón Spanish Uruguay
R & J de Shakespeare: Juventude Interrompida (R & J: Youth Interrupted) Romeo and Juliet Fonseca, João 2011 Portuguese Brazil
Raja Lear King Lear Bhuthiadia, Sharad 1993 Pratyaya Theatre Marathi India
Ran King Lear Kurosawa, Akira 1985 Greenwich Film Production S.A. Paris / Herald Ace / Nippon Herald Films Japanese Japan
Rei Lear (King Lear) King Lear Andreato, Elias 2014 Portuguese Brazil
Rey Lear (King Lear) King Lear Szuchmacher, Rubén 2009 Grupo La Plaza Spanish Argentina
Ricardo 2 (Richard II) Richard II Singer, Enrique 1996 Spanish Mexico
Ricardo III Richard III Módena, Sergio 2014 Portuguese Brazil
Riccardo III (Richard III) Richard III Bene, Carmelo (1937-2002) 1977 Italian Italy
Richard Richard III Bayülgen, Okan 2022 Kabare Dada Turkish Turkey
Richard II Richard II Morrison, Conall 2012 Ashtar Theatre Arabic United Kingdom
Richard III Richard III Varsimashvili, Avtandil 2014 Liberty Theatre Georgian Georgia
Richard III Richard III Wang, Xiaoying 2012 The National Theatre of China Mandarin United Kingdom
Richard III: An Arab Tragedy Richard III Al-Bassam, Sulayman 2007 Sulayman Al-Bassam Theatre (SABAB) Arabic, English Greece
RIII Richard III Cardeña, Chema 2005 Arden Producciones Spanish Spain
Romeo & Juliet: at the Globe Theatre Romeo and Juliet Villela, Gabriel 2000 Grupo Galpão Portuguese United Kingdom
Romeo and Juliet Romeo and Juliet Oh, Tae-suk 2006 Mokwha Repertory Company Korean South Korea
Romeo and Juliet Romeo and Juliet Kilavuz, Ilhan Yadigar; Kiris Yatagan, Yasemen 2018 Department of English Language and Literature, Süleyman Demirel University English Turkey
Romeo and Juliet (Digital Stage series) Romeo and Juliet Çı̇çek, İbrahı̇m 2021 Turkish
Romeo and Juliet in Saigon Romeo and Juliet Moustache, Cliff; Nguyen, Khai Thu 2012 Hat Boi Theater Company Vietnamese Vietnam
Romeo and Juliet Unplugged Romeo and Juliet Lü, Po Shen 2009 Tainaner Ensemble Mandarin Taiwan
Romeo Must Die Romeo and Juliet Bartkowiak, Andrzej 2000 Silver Pictures English United States
Romeo y Julieta Romeo and Juliet Zamit, Jose 2012 OFF Teatre Spanish Spain
Romeu & Julieta (Romeo & Juliet: An excellent and lamentable dessert) Romeo and Juliet Teatro Praga 2017 Teatro Praga Portuguese Portugal
Romeu e Julieta Romeo and Juliet Villela, Gabriel 1992 Grupo Galpão Portuguese Brazil
Romeu e Julieta (Romeo and Juliet) Romeo and Juliet Inoue, Nena; Vogue, Mauricio 2009 Espaço Cênico Portuguese Brazil
Romeu e Julieta – Shakespeare para todos (Romeo and Juliet – Shakespeare For All) Romeo and Juliet Cabral, Márcio 2015 Elefants Companhia de Teatro Portuguese Brazil
Romeu e Julieta: Ontem Verona, Hoje Vidigal (Yesterday Verona, Today Vidigal) – (2009) Romeo and Juliet Fraga, Gutti (Guti) 2009 Nós do Morro Portuguese Brazil
Rosaline’s Curse [based on Romeo and Juliet] Romeo and Juliet Tayebi, Masoud 2023 Mise.en.scene Academy of Performing Arts Persian Iran
Samrat Lear (King Lear) King Lear Brown, John Russell 1997 National School of Drama Hindi India
Search: Hamlet (Edison Theatre) Hamlet Ong, Keng Sen 2002 FACE to FACE; TheatreWorks, Singapore English, Indonesian, Japanese, Malay Denmark
Search: Hamlet (Kronborg Castle) Hamlet Ong, Keng Sen 2002 FACE to FACE; TheatreWorks, Singapore English, Indonesian, Japanese, Malay Denmark
Sen noci svatojánské (A Midsummer Night’s Dream) Midsummer Night's Dream Trnka, Jiří 1959 Czech Czechoslovakia
Shakespeare in Yemen Hamlet, King Lear, Macbeth, Merchant of Venice, Richard II Hazaber, Amin; Hennessey, Katherine 2018 Arabic, English United States
Shakespeare Must Die Macbeth Kanjanavanit, Ing (Ing K) 2012 Thai Thailand
Shamuleite (Shamlet) Hamlet Lee, Kuo-hsiu 1996 Ping Fong Acting Troupe Mandarin Taiwan
Shamuleite (Shamlet) Hamlet Wang, Yue 2000 Ping Fong Acting Troupe Mandarin Taiwan
Sintang Dalisay (Romeo and Juliet) Romeo and Juliet Abad, Ricardo 2017 Ateneo Fine Arts; Tanghalang Ateneo Filipino Philippines
Sogno di una notte d’estate Midsummer Night's Dream Salvatores, Gabriele 1983 Italian
Someone Is Sleeping in My Pain: An East-West Macbeth Macbeth Roes, Michael 2001 Arabic, English Yemen
Sonho de uma Noite de verão (A Midsummer Night’s Dream) Midsummer Night's Dream Teatro Praga 2010 Teatro Praga Portuguese Portugal
Sonho de Uma Noite de Verão (Midsummer Night’s Dream) Midsummer Night's Dream 2002 Cia. do Abração Portuguese Brazil
Sonho de uma noite de verão (Midsummer Night’s Dream) Midsummer Night's Dream Marchioro, Marcelo 1991 Portuguese Brazil
Sonho de uma Noite de Verao: uma intromissao do grupo Nós do Morro no mundo de Shakespeare (Midsummer’s Night Dream) Midsummer Night's Dream Mello da Costa, Fernando 2004 Nós do Morro Portuguese Brazil
Sua Incelença Ricardo III (His Excellency Richard III) Richard III Villela, Gabriel 2010 Grupo de Teatro Clowns of Shakespeare Portuguese Brazil
Sueño de una noche de verano (Midsummer Night’s Dream) Midsummer Night's Dream Faesler, Juliana 2009 Spanish Mexico
Synchretic Hamlet Hamlet Oliveira, Jessé 2005 Grupo Caixa Petra Portuguese Brazil
Te Tangata Whai Rawa o Weniti (The Maori Merchant of Venice) Merchant of Venice Selwyn, Don 2002 He Taonga Films Ltd. Māori New Zealand
The Al-Hamlet Summit Hamlet Al-Bassam, Sulayman 2004 Sulayman Al-Bassam Theatre (SABAB) Arabic, English Japan
The Al-Hamlet Summit (English version 2002) Hamlet Al-Bassam, Sulayman 2002 Sulayman Al-Bassam Theatre (SABAB); Zaoum Theatre English United Kingdom
The Banquet Hamlet Feng, Xiaogang 2006 Huayi Brothers / Media Asia Films LTD Mandarin China
The Dance of the Scorpions Hamlet 2009 Arabic Egypt
The Hamlet Syndrome Hamlet Tayebi, Masoud 2022 Mise.en.scene Academy of Performing Arts Persian Iran
The Hollow Crown: Henry IV, Part 1 Henry IV, part 1 Eyre, Richard 2012 NBCUniversal; Neal Street Productions; WNET, channel 13 (aka Thirteen) English United Kingdom
The Hollow Crown: Henry IV, Part 2 Henry IV, part 2 Eyre, Richard 2012 NBCUniversal; Neal Street Productions; WNET, channel 13 (aka Thirteen) English United Kingdom
The Hollow Crown: Henry V Henry V Sharrock, Thea 2012 NBCUniversal; Neal Street Productions; WNET, channel 13 (aka Thirteen) English United Kingdom
The Hollow Crown: Richard II Richard II Goold, Rupert 2012 NBCUniversal; Neal Street Productions; WNET, channel 13 (aka Thirteen) English United Kingdom
The Intimate Memoirs of Madame Shakespeare di Biasi, Emilio 2007 Portuguese Brazil
The King and the Clown (Wang-ui namja) Hamlet, Taming of the Shrew, Twelfth Night Lee, Joon-ik 2005 Eagle Pictures Korean South Korea
The Love-Story of Romeo and Juliet Romeo and Juliet Andrade, Elza 1998-1999 Portuguese Brazil
The Merchant in Venice Merchant of Venice Coonrod, Karin 2016 Compagnia de’ Colombari (Company Colombari) English Italy
The Merchant of Venice Merchant of Venice Saini, Vijeta 2019 The Struggler Theatre Group Punjabi India
The Speaker’s Progress (Twelfth Night) Twelfth Night Al-Bassam, Sulayman 2011 Sulayman Al-Bassam Theatre (SABAB) Arabic, English United States
The Street Taming of the Shrew Taming of the Shrew Oliveira, Jessé 2009 Grupo de Teatro Ueba Portuguese Brazil
The Tale of Lear King Lear Suzuki, Tadashi 1988 Suzuki Company of Toga English, Japanese U.S.A.
The Taming of the Shrew Taming of the Shrew Chung, Hsing-lin Tracy 2003 Denison University, Ohio English United States
The Taming of the Shrew (Digital Stage series) Taming of the Shrew Çı̇çek, İbrahı̇m 2021 Turkish
The Tempest Tempest Tsui, Hark; Wu, Hsing-kuo 2004 Contemporary Legend Theatre Company Mandarin Taiwan
The Tempest Tempest Tsui, Hark; Wu, Hsing-kuo 2009 Contemporary Legend Theatre Company Mandarin South Korea
The Tempest Tempest Arabic Egypt
The Tempest Tempest Oh, Tae-suk 2011 Mokwha Repertory Company Korean Scotland
The Tempest Tempest Mirrione, James; Sturgess, Kim C. 2015 The Doha Players English Qatar
The Tempest Tempest Donnellan, Declan 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 Cheek by Jowl; The Chekhov International Festival Russian France
The Winter’s Tale -Barcarolle- Winter's Tale Kurita, Yoshihiro 2005 Ryutopia Noh-theatre Shakespeare Japanese Japan
Timon de Atenas Timon of Athens Gomlevsky, Bruce 2014 Courtesy of Cultural Embassy Brasil Editora e Produtora Ltda. Portuguese Brazil
Timon of Athens Timon of Athens Deguchi, Norio 1996 Shakespeare Theatre Japanese
Titus 2.0 Titus Andronicus Tang, Shu-wing 2009 Tang Shu-wing Theatre Studio (formerly No Man's Land Group) Cantonese China
Titus Andronicus (1992) Titus Andronicus Purcarete, Silviu 1992 Teatrul National 'Marin Sorescu' - Craiova Romanian Romania
Tombstone Henry V, Henry VI, part 2 Cosmatos, George P. 1993 Cinergi Pictures Entertainment English United States
Troilo e Cressida (Trolius and Cressida) Troilus and Cressida Borgia, Gianpiero 2009 Teatro dei Borgia Italian Italy
Trono de Sangue (Throne of Blood/Macbeth) Macbeth Antunes Filho, José Alves 1992 Grupo de teatro Macunaíma Portuguese Brazil
Feste, Sir Toby, and Sir Andrew Twelfth Night Twelfth Night Safonov, Pavel 2017 Moscow Academic Theatre of Satire Russian Russia
Twelfth Night (Digital Stage series) Twelfth Night Çı̇çek, İbrahı̇m 2021 Turkish
Two Roses for Richard III Richard III Baltar, Cláudio; Ferreira, Fábio 2012 Companhia BufoMecânica; Royal Shakespeare Company Portuguese United Kingdom
Un Amleto di meno Hamlet Bene, Carmelo (1937-2002) 1972 Italian Italy
Ur-Hamlet Hamlet Barba, Eugenio 2006 Odin Teatret Balinese, Danish, English, Japanese, Portuguese Denmark
Wangzi fuchou ji (The Revenge of the Prince) Hamlet Su, Leci 1994 Shanghai Yueju Company Mandarin China
War and Eternity Hamlet Wu, Hsing-kuo 1990 Contemporary Legend Theatre Company Mandarin Taiwan
Wayne & Shuster’s Shakespearean Slapstick Hamlet, Julius Caesar, Macbeth, Richard III, Romeo and Juliet 1954-1991 English Canada
World Shakespeare Festival Tempest 2012 UK
Wu shi sheng fei (Much Ado About Nothing) Much Ado About Nothing Jiang, Weiguo; Sun, Huairen 1986 Anhui Huangmeixi Troupe Mandarin China

Thumbnail Title Play Director Year Company Language Country
36 Chowringhee Lane Henry IV, part 2, King Lear, Twelfth Night Sen, Arpana 1981 Film-Valas Bengali, English, Hindi India
7 Şekspir Müzikali (7 Shakespeares Musical) Antony and Cleopatra, As You Like It, Hamlet, Henry IV, part 1, Henry V, Julius Caesar, King Lear, Macbeth, Midsummer Night's Dream, Much Ado About Nothing, Othello, Pericles, Richard II, Romeo and Juliet, Tempest, Troilus and Cressida, Winter's Tale Aydoğan, Kemal 2009-2011 Oyun Atölyesi Turkish Turkey
A Megera Domada (The Taming of the Shrew) Taming of the Shrew Fagundes, Patricia 2008 Cia. Rústica Portuguese Brazil
A Midsummer Night’s Dream Midsummer Night's Dream Perng, Ching-hsi Green Music, Inc. Mandarin Taiwan
A Midsummer Night’s Dream Midsummer Night's Dream Yang, Shipeng (Daniel) 2000 Hong Kong Huaju Company Mandarin Taiwan
A Midsummer Night’s Dream Midsummer Night's Dream Ninagawa, Yukio 1996 Point Tokyo Company Japanese Japan
A Midsummer Night’s Dream Midsummer Night's Dream Fagundes, Patricia 2006 Portuguese Brazil
A Midsummer Night’s Dream Midsummer Night's Dream Brook, Peter 1970 Royal Shakespeare Company English UK
A Midsummer Night’s Dream Midsummer Night's Dream Yang, Jung-Ung 2006 Yohangza Theatre Company Korean South Korea
A Midsummer Night’s Dream Midsummer Night's Dream Al-Shamma, James 2013 English United States
A Tempestade (The Tempest) Tempest Teatro Praga 2013 Teatro Praga Portuguese Portugal
A Theatre Company Found a Theatre and Theatred Hamlet Hamlet al-Ṭarīfi, Khālid 1984 Fawanees Theatre Troupe Arabic Morocco
About Othello: Or Who’s Afraid of William Shakespeare: A Collage of Various Shakespearean Texts Hamlet, Othello El Attar, Ahmed 2006 Arabic, English Egypt
African Tales by Shakespeare King Lear, Merchant of Venice, Othello Warlikowski, Krzysztof 2011 Nowy Teatr Polish Poland
Akatsuki no rooma (Rome at Dawn) Julius Caesar Kimura, Shinji 2006 Takarazuka Revue Japanese Japan
All’s Well That Ends Well All's Well That Ends Well Perng, Ching-hsi 2004 Green Music, Inc. Mandarin Taiwan
Ang Pagpapaamo sa Maldita Taming of the Shrew Abad, Ricardo 2001 Filipino Philippines
Angoor Comedy of Errors Gulzar 1982 A.R. Movies Hindi India
Antony and Cleopatra Antony and Cleopatra Doran, Gregory 2006 Royal Shakespeare Company English United Kingdom
Antony and Cleopatra Antony and Cleopatra Rodrigues, Tiago 2014 Mundo Perfeito English, Portuguese Portugal
Antony and Cleopatra (2011) Antony and Cleopatra Ninagawa, Yukio 2011 Ninagawa Studio Japanese Japan
Aosailuo (Othello) Othello Ma, Yong'an 1983 Experimental Peking Opera Co., Beijing Mandarin China
As You Like It As You Like It Branagh, Kenneth 2006 BBC Films English United Kingdom; United States
As You Like It (Oki ni mesu mama) As You Like It Ninagawa, Yukio 2004 Saitama Art Theatre Japanese Japan
Bir Baba Hamlet (A Father’s Hamlet) Hamlet Eren, Emrah 2017 Baba Sahne Turkish Turkey
Bobby Romeo and Juliet Kapoor, Raj 1973 Yash Raj Films Hindi India
Bond (Merchant of Venice) Merchant of Venice Lü, Po Shen 2011 Taiwan Bangzi Company [Taiwan Yujutuan] Henan Dialect Taiwan
Bond (Merchant of Venice) Merchant of Venice Lü, Po Shen 2009 Taiwan Bangzi Company [Taiwan Yujutuan] Henan Dialect Taiwan
Broken English Romeo and Juliet Nicholas, Gregor 1996 Communicado Productions Croatian, English, Japanese, Māori New Zealand
Bruxas da Escócia (The Witches of Scotland) Macbeth Brandini, Ângelo 2014 Cia Vagalum Tum Tum Portuguese Brazil
By Heart Rodrigues, Tiago 2013 Mundo Perfeito Portuguese Portugal
Caliban Tempest Bonito, Eduardo 1997 English United Kingdom
Cesare deve morire (Caesar Must Die) Julius Caesar Taviani, Paolo and Vittorio 2011 Italian Italy
Charudatham Julius Caesar Harikumar, Sadanam 2001 Satwikam Malayalam, Sanskrit India
Che cosa sono le nuvole? (What are the clouds?) Othello Pasolini, Pier Paolo 1968 Italian Italy
Chicken Rice War Romeo and Juliet Cheah, C.K. 2000 Mediacorp Raintree Pictures Cantonese, English Singapore
Chimes At Midnight Henry IV, part 1, Henry IV, part 2, Henry V, Merry Wives of Windsor Welles, Orson 1965 English
Como te guste (As You Like It) As You Like It García Lozano, Mauricio 2002 El Teatro del Farfullero Spanish Mexico
Cordelia, Mein Kind (Leiser-Moore, 2014) King Lear Tashmadada English Australia
Coriolanus Coriolanus Lee, Hyon-u 2005 Hwadong Theater Company Korean Korea
Coriolanus Coriolanus Lin, Zhaohua 2007 Beijing People's Art Theatre Mandarin China
Coriolanus Coriolanus Fiennes, Ralph 2011 English United Kingdom
Coriolanus (Korioreinasu) Coriolanus Ninagawa, Yukio 2007 Japanese United Kingdom
Curse of the Golden Flower Hamlet, King Lear, Macbeth Zhang, Yimou 2006 Beijing New Picture Film Co. Mandarin China
Cymbeline Cymbeline Moshinsky, Elijah 1982 BBC Films English United Kingdom
Den tragiska historien om Hamlet – Prins av Danmark Hamlet Lyth, Ragnar 1984 Swedish Sweden
Desdemona Othello Ong, Keng Sen 2000 TheatreWorks, Singapore Australia
Desdemona Othello Ong, Keng Sen 2001 TheatreWorks, Singapore English Japan
Dil Chahta Hai (The Heart Wants) Troilus and Cressida Akhtar, Farhan 2001 Hindi India
Doditello Othello Mahran, Sameh 2001 Arabic Egypt
Dois Cavalheiros de Verona (Two Gentlemen of Verona) Two Gentlemen of Verona Fraga, Gutti (Guti) 2006 Nós do Morro Portuguese Brazil
Dream of Hamlet Hamlet Hulagu, Ayhan 2021 Hamlet Isn't Dead; US Karagoz Theatre Company English, Turkish
Eight Days to the Premiere Romeo and Juliet Leppä, Perttu 2007 Juonifilmi Oy Finnish Finland
El mercader de Venecia (The Merchant of Venice) Merchant of Venice Amalio López, Pedro 1967 Radiotelevisión Española (RTVE) Spanish Spain
El rey Lear (King Lear) King Lear Reyes, Marcos 1967 Radiotelevisión Española (RTVE) Spanish Spain
El Somni d’una nit d’estiu (A Midsummer Night’s Dream) Midsummer Night's Dream Peris, Joan 2000 Teatre Micalet Catalan Spain
El sueño de una noche de verano (A Midsummer Night’s Dream) Midsummer Night's Dream 1971 Radiotelevisión Española (RTVE) Spanish Spain
El vano afán del amor (Love’s Labor’s Lost) Love's Labor's Lost Caballero, José 2000 Spanish Mexico
Elsinore Hamlet Lepage, Robert 1997 Ex Machina English United States
Ëndrra e Një Nate Vere (A Midsummer Night’s Dream) Midsummer Night's Dream Demaj, Armela 2021 Teatri Metropol (Metropol Theatre) Albanian Albania
Ensaio. Hamlet. Hamlet 2004 Compania dos Atores Portuguese Brazil
Estou te escrevendo de um país distante (I’m Writing You from a Distant Country) Hamlet Hirsch, Felipe 1997 Sutil Companhia de Teatro Portuguese Brazil
Flower from the Other Shore Romeo and Juliet Zhang, Jian 2001 Heluo Taiwanese Opera Mandarin Taiwan
Forget Hamlet / Ophelia’s Window Hamlet Daood, Monadhil 2020 Arabic Iraq
Giulio Cesare Julius Caesar Baracco, Andrea 2012 Compagnia I Termini Italian Italy
Giulio Cesare (Julius Caesar) Julius Caesar Castellucci, Romeo 1997 Socìetas Raffaello Sanzio Italian
Golden Bowl Hamlet Ivory, James 2000 Lions Gate Studio English France
Ham-let Hamlet Martinez Corrêa, José Celso 1993 Portuguese Brazil
Hamik – Hamlet Hamlet Kim, Eunsung 2016 Seoul Metropolitan Theatre Korean South Korea
Hamlet Hamlet Lee, Yoon-taek 2001 Street Theatre Troupe Korean South Korea
Hamlet Hamlet Perng, Ching-hsi 2004 Green Music, Inc. Mandarin Taiwan
Hamlet Hamlet Kent, Jonathan 2003 HoriPro Inc.; Setagaya Public Theatre Japanese Japan
Hamlet Hamlet Limbvani, Hugues Serge 2004 Boyokani Company Africa
Hamlet Hamlet Doran, Gregory 2008 Royal Shakespeare Company English United Kingdom
Hamlet Hamlet Asari, Keita 2008 Beijing People's Art Theatre Mandarin China
Hamlet Hamlet Gielgud, John 1964 English United States
Hamlet Hamlet Plumb, Hay 1913 Silent United Kingdom
Hamlet Hamlet al-Demerdash, Nur; Sobhi, Mohamed (Muhammad Ṣubḥī) 1977 Academy of Arts; Art Studio Theatre; Galā’a Theatre Arabic Egypt
Hamlet Hamlet Branagh, Kenneth 1996 English United Kingdom
Hamlet Hamlet Yang, Jung-Ung 2009 Yohangza Theatre Company Korean Korea
Hamlet Hamlet Marchioro, Marcelo 1992 Portuguese Brazil
Hamlet Hamlet Hazarika, Anup 2007 National School of Drama Assamese (Indian dialect) India
Hamlet Hamlet Maestri, Maria Federica; Pititto, Francesco 2011 Lenz Rifrazioni Italian Italy
Hamlet Hamlet Maestri, Maria Federica; Pititto, Francesco 2010 Lenz Rifrazioni Italian Italy
Hamlet Hamlet Kishworjit 2001 Paradise Theatre Manipuri India
Hamlet Hamlet Yang, Jung-Ung 2010 Yohangza Theatre Company Korean Australia
Hamlet Hamlet Guerin Hill, Claudio 1970 Televisión Española (TVE) Spanish Spain
Hamlet Hamlet Kurita, Yoshihiro 2007 Ryutopia Noh-theatre Shakespeare Japanese Japan
Hamlet Hamlet Mallik, Nilanko 2016 Shakespeare Youth Performances English India
Hamlet Hamlet Andrade, Jorge 2014 Mala Voadora Portuguese Portugal
Hamlet Hamlet Pessoa, Carlos J. 2012 Teatro da Garagem Portuguese Portugal
Hamlet Hamlet Antoni, Chic 1979 Radiotelevisión Española (RTVE) Catalan Spain
Hamlet Hamlet Kasapoğlu, Işıl 2013-2014 İstanbul State Theatre Turkish Turkey
Hamlet (Digital Stage series) Hamlet Çı̇çek, İbrahı̇m 2021 Turkish
Hamlet Cantabile Hamlet Bae, Yo-sup 2007 Tuida Theater Company Korean South Korea
Hamlet Gliwicki Hamlet Lachmann, Piotr (Peter) 2006 Lothe Lachmann - Videoteatr Poza Polish Poland
Hamlet or Three Boys and One Girl (2010) Hamlet Georgiev, Nikolay 2010 @lma @lter Student Theatre-Laboratory Bulgaria, English Croatia
Hamlet P’urhépecha Hamlet Arvide, Juan Carlos 1990 P'urhépecha, Spanish Mexico
Hamlet Project (references to Marowitz’s Hamlet) Hamlet Kim, Ara 1999 Festive Theatre Company Muchon Korean Korea
Hamlet Q1 Hamlet Lee, Hyon-u 2009 Dionysos Drama Group; The Flow Theatre Korean South Korea
Hamlet sou eu (I am Hamlet) Hamlet Bento, Diogo; Jardim, Cláudia; Penim, Pedro 2007 Teatro Praga Portuguese Portugal
Hamlet the Actor Hamlet Sung, Chon-mo 2012 MJ Company Korean South Korea
Hamlet the Actor Hamlet Sung, Chon-mo 2013 MJ Company Korean South Korea
Hamlet the Killer Hamlet Tayebi, Masoud 2024 Mise.en.scene Academy of Performing Arts Persian Iran
Hamlet Unplugged Hamlet Lü, Po Shen 2005 Tainaner Ensemble Mandarin Taiwan
Hamlet Wakes Up Late Hamlet ‘Adwān, Mamdūḥ 1978 Arabic Syria
Hamlet… But Hamlet Arabic
Hamlet/La Metamorfosis Hamlet Rivas, Carlos 2011 El Fulgor Spanish Argentina
Hamlet: The Drama of Revenge Hamlet Gade, Svend 1920 Silent Germany
Hamulaite Hamlet Lin, Zhaohua 1995 Beijing People's Art Theatre; Lin Zhaohua Drama Studio Mandarin Japan
Hayat Bayram Olsa (If Life were a Holiday) – Romeo and Juliet Romeo and Juliet Aksoy, Orhan 1973 Turkish Turkey
Heng li si shi Henry IV, part 1, Henry IV, part 2 Huang, Wushan 2002 Yi Wanran Puppet Theatre Co. Taiwanese Taiwan
Henry VI Part III Henry VI, part 3 Blondell, John 2012 National Theatre of Bitola Macedonian UK
Hırçın Kız (The Taming of the Shrew) Taming of the Shrew Özbirgül, Bülent 2018 Department of Performing Arts, Süleyman Demirel University Turkish Turkey
Huapango Othello Lipkies, Ivan 2004 Vlady Realizadores Spanish Mexico
I Am Hamlet Hamlet Afifi, Hani 2009 Arabic Egypt
III. Richard: Niçin Yaptım (Richard III: Why Did I Do It) Richard III Birkiye, Mehmet 2022 Tiyatro Gerçek Turkish Turkey
İkinci Katil (The Second Murderer) – Macbeth Macbeth Erdenk, Barış 2017-2018 Ankara State Theatre Turkish Turkey
Il Re Muore (The King Dies) – Richard II Richard II Angiulli, Laura 2018 Teatro Stabile d'Innovazione Galleria Toledo Italian Italy
In Othello Othello Abel, Roysten 2003 ANB Motion Pictures English India
Intikam Melegi – Kadin Hamlet (The Angel of Vengeance – The Female Hamlet) Hamlet Erksan, Metin 1977 Ugur Film Turkish Turkey
Iruthiattam King Lear Raju, R. 2001 Arangam Tamil India
Ismail / Hamlet Hamlet Fattāl, Rūlā 1999 Arabic Syria
Josh Romeo and Juliet Khan, Mansoor 2000 United Seven Combines Hindi India
Julio César (Julius Caesar) Julius Caesar Amalio López, Pedro 1965 Radiotelevisión Española (RTVE) Spanish Spain
Julius Caesar Julius Caesar Arabic Egypt
Kaamdeo ka Apna Basant Ritu ka Sapna (The Love God’s Own, A Spring Time Dream) Midsummer Night's Dream Tanvir, Habib 1993 Naya Theatre Chattisgarhi, Hindi India
Kaliyattam (The Play of God) Othello Nair, Rajasekharan Jayaram 1997 New Generation Cinema Malayalam India
Kannaki Antony and Cleopatra Nair, Rajasekharan Jayaram 2002 Malayalam India
Kathakali King Lear King Lear Leday, Annette 1999 Annette Leday/Keli Company Malayalam United Kingdom
Kıbrıslı William Shakespeare (Cypriot William Shakespeare) Hamlet, Othello, Romeo and Juliet Erçin, Gülşen; Vaiz, Mehmet Ekin 2020 Neydi Olacağı Turkish Turkey
Killbeth Macbeth Koh, Sun-Woong 2011 Playfactory Mabangzen Korean Korea
King John King John Dando, Walter Pfeffer; Dickinson, Laurie; Kennedy, William 1899 Biograph Company; British Mutoscope Silent United Kingdom
King Lear King Lear Tse, David 2006 Royal Shakespeare Company; Shanghai Dramatic Arts Center; Yellow Earth Theatre English, Mandarin United Kingdom
King Lear King Lear Nunn, Trevor 2007 Royal Shakespeare Company English United Kingdom
King Lear King Lear Abdel Halim, Ahmed 2002 National Theatre of Egypt Arabic Egypt
King Lear King Lear Lee, Hyon-u 2021 Korean South Korea
King Lear by the Belarus Free Theatre King Lear Shcherban, Vladimir 2012 Belarus Free Theatre Belarusian United Kingdom
King LeoR King Lear de Berardinis, Leo (1939-2008) 1996 Italian Italy
King Qi’s Dream King Lear Ou, Yangming 1995 Shanghai Jingju Company Mandarin China
King Uru King Lear Kim, Myung-kon 2001 National Theatre of Korea Korean South Korea
Kingdom of Desire Macbeth Wu, Hsing-kuo 1986 Contemporary Legend Theatre Company Mandarin Taiwan
Kırık Kalpler Bankası (The Bank of Broken Hearts) Romeo and Juliet Ünlü, Onur 2016 Turkish Turkey
Kodumkattu (Tempest) Tempest Panikkar, Kavalam Narayana 2001 Sopanam Malayalam India
Kral Lear (King Lear) King Lear Coleman, Basil 1981 The Turkish State Theatres (Devlet Tiyatroları-DT) Turkish Turkey
Kral Lear (King Lear) King Lear Kay, Malcolm Keith 2012-2013 Kocaeli Şehir Tiyatrosu Turkish Turkey
Kral “Soyatrım” Lear (“My Fool” King Lear) King Lear Sertdemir, Yiğit 2014 Altıdan Sonra; Pangar Turkish Turkey
Kraliçe Lear (Queen Lear) King Lear Esmer, Pelin 2019 Turkish Turkey
La fierecilla domada (The Taming of the Shrew) Taming of the Shrew Abad, Francisco 1979 Radiotelevisión Española (RTVE) Spanish Spain
La tempesta Tempest Strehler, Giorgio (1921-1997) 1977-78 and 1983-84 Italian
La tempestad (The Tempest) Tempest Garcini, Salvador 2011 Spanish Mexico
La tragedia de Macbeth (The Tragedy of Macbeth) Macbeth Amalio López, Pedro 1966 Radiotelevisión Española (RTVE) Spanish Spain
Lady Macbeth Macbeth Han, Tae-sook 1999 Theatre Company Mooli Korean South Korea
Las alegres comadres de Windsor (Merry Wives of Windsor) Merry Wives of Windsor Amalio López, Pedro 1971 Radiotelevisión Española (RTVE) Spanish Spain
Le duel d’Hamlet Hamlet Maurice, Clément 1900 Silent France
Lear King Lear Ong, Keng Sen 1997 TheatreWorks, Singapore Indonesian, Japanese, Mandarin, Thai Australia
Lear and the Thirty-seven-fold Path of a Bodhisattva King Lear Lai, Stan 2000 Performance Workshop of Taiwan Mandarin China
Lear Dreaming King Lear Ong, Keng Sen 2012 TheatreWorks, Singapore Bahasa Indonesia, English, Japanese, Korean, Mandarin Singapore
Lear’s Daughters King Lear Tse, David 2003 The Women's Theatre Group & Elaine Feinstein; Yellow Earth Theatre English United Kingdom
Li cha san shi (Richard III) Richard III Lin, Zhaohua 2001 Beijing People's Art Theatre Mandarin China
Li’er zaici (Lear is Here) King Lear Wu, Hsing-kuo 2001 Contemporary Legend Theatre Company Mandarin Taiwan
Life Goes On (King Lear) King Lear Datta, Sangeeta 2009 Stormglass Productions English, Hindi UK
Locos X Romeo y Julieta Romeo and Juliet Conejero, Manuel Ángel 2012 Fundación Shakespeare de España Spanish Spain
Ma ke bo si Macbeth Li, Zibo; Xu, Xiaozhong 1980 Central Academy of Drama Mandarin China
Macbeth Macbeth Ninagawa, Yukio 1985 Toho Production Japanese United Kingdom
Macbeth Macbeth Chandradasan 2002 Lokadharmi Hindi India
Macbeth Macbeth Perng, Ching-hsi Green Music, Inc. Mandarin Taiwan
Macbeth Macbeth Goold, Rupert 2010 BBC Films; WNET, channel 13 (aka Thirteen) English United Kingdom
Macbeth Macbeth Kurita, Yoshihiro 2004 Ryutopia Noh-theatre Shakespeare Japanese Japan
Macbeth Macbeth Kurita, Yoshihiro 2007 Ryutopia Noh-theatre Shakespeare Japanese Japan
Macbeth Macbeth Kurita, Yoshihiro 2006 Ryutopia Noh-theatre Shakespeare Japanese Japan
Macbeth Macbeth Cruz, Ulysses 1992 Portuguese Brazil
Macbeth Macbeth Goldberg, Andrew; Tiffany, John 2012 National Theatre of Scotland English United States
Macbeth Macbeth Teixeira, Ana 2004 Amok Teatro Portuguese Brazil
Macbeth Macbeth Rodríguez, Jesusa 2002 Spanish Mexico
Macbeth Macbeth Chen, Dalian 2016 Chong Qing Theatre Company Mandarin China
Macbeth Macbeth Cardoso, João Paulo Ceara 2001 Teatro de Marionetas do Porto Portuguese Portugal
Macbeth Macbeth Mallik, Nilanko 2019 Shakespeare Youth Performances English India
Macbeth and What Follows Macbeth Arabic Egypt
Macbeth Mutfakta (Macbeth in the Kitchen) Macbeth Tamdoğan, Burak 2013 Kadro Pa Turkish Turkey
Macbeth Unplugged Macbeth Lü, Po Shen 2007 Tainaner Ensemble Taiwanese Taiwan
Macbeth, herói bandido (Macbeth, the Bandit-Hero) Macbeth Fagundes, Patricia 2004 Cia. Rústica Portuguese Brazil
Macbeth, the Scottish Play Macbeth Galdino, Regina 2008 Portuguese Brazil
Macbeth/İki Kişilik Kâbus (Macbeth/A Nightmare for Two) Macbeth Akal, Doğu; Aydın, Elif 2016 Tiyatro BeReZe Turkish Turkey
Makbet Macbeth Estrella, Josefina 1999 Philippines
Makebai furen (Lady Macbeth) Macbeth Cao, Ping 2001 Sichuan Youth Chuanju Opera Co. Mandarin Taiwan
Maqbool (Macbeth) Macbeth Bharadwaj, Vishal 2003 Kaleidoscope Entertainment Pvt. Ltd. Hindi, Urdu Canada
Maze, Spectacle, and Music: King Lear King Lear Fu, Hongzheng 2003 OFF Performance Workshop in collaboration with Body/Sound Theatre Co. Mandarin, Taiwanese Taiwan
Me Swapn Pahile (I Had A Dream) Midsummer Night's Dream Madhukar, Swapna 2024 Marathi Singapore
Measure for Measure Measure for Measure Donnellan, Declan 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 Cheek by Jowl Russian Russia
Meili de Shashibiya (Beautiful Shakespeare) Quintero, Craig 2003 Riverbed Theatre Mandarin Taiwan
Mendoza [adaptation of Macbeth] Macbeth Carrillo, Juan 2016 Los Colochos Teatro Spanish Mexico
Merchant of Venice Merchant of Venice Ninagawa, Yukio 2007 Ninagawa Studio
Merchant of Venice Merchant of Venice Zhang, Qihong 1980 Chinese Youth Art Theatre China
Merchant of Venice in Yemen (The Lamp Will Keep You Company) Merchant of Venice Hazaber, Amin 2012 Arabic Yemen
Mesnak Hamlet Durand, Yves Sioui 2011 Kunakan Productions; Les Films de l'Isle French Canada
Metal Macbeth Macbeth Inoue, Hidenori 2006 Gekidan Shinkansen Japanese Japan
Mickey B Macbeth Magill, Tom 2007 Educational Shakespeare Company Ltd English Northern Ireland, UK
Midsummer Night’s Dream Midsummer Night's Dream Miwa, Elica 2006 Theatre Company Subaru Japanese Japan
Mississippi Masala Romeo and Juliet Nair, Mira 1991 Black River Productions English United States
Moore – a Pacific Island Othello Othello Richter, Kepano (Stephen); Taft Mattos, Justina 2020 English, Japanese, Korean, ‘Ōlelo Hawai’i United States
Mr. Romeo Romeo and Juliet Mukherjee, Subhash 1974 Subodh Mukherji Productions Hindi India
Much Ado About Almost Nothing Much Ado About Nothing Yamamoto, Fernando 2003 Grupo de Teatro Clowns of Shakespeare Portuguese Brazil
Much Ado About Nothing Much Ado About Nothing Antoon, A.J.; Havinga, Nick 1973 English United States
Much Ado About Nothing Much Ado About Nothing Branagh, Kenneth 1993 English United Kingdom
Murat ile Nazlı (Murat and Nazlı) – Romeo and Juliet Romeo and Juliet Ün, Memduh 1972 Turkish Turkey
Nata e Dymbëdhjetë (Twelfth Night) Twelfth Night Anderson, Justin 2018 Teatri Metropol (Metropol Theatre) Albanian Albania
Nata e Dymbëdhjetë (Twelfth Night) Twelfth Night Mani, Piro 1982 Teatri Kombetar (National Theatre of Albania) Albanian Albania
Noche de Reyes (Twelfth Night) Twelfth Night Azurmendi, Jorge 2011 La Rabieta Producciones Spanish Argentina
Noh Macbeth Macbeth Izumi, Noriko 2006 Japanese Japan
O Bobo do Rei (The King’s Fool) King Lear Brandini, Ângelo 2010 Cia Vagalum Tum Tum Portuguese Brazil
O Conto do Inverno (The Winter’s Tale) Winter's Tale Herz, Daniel 2004 Companhia de Teatro Atores de Laura Portuguese Brazil
O Principe da Dinamarca (The Prince of Denmark) Hamlet Brandini, Ângelo 2011 Cia Vagalum Tum Tum Portuguese Brazil
Omkara Othello Bharadwaj, Vishal 2006 Big Screen Entertainment Hindi India
One Husband Too Many (Yi qi liang fu) Romeo and Juliet Chan, Anthony 1988 Cantonese China
Ophelia Hamlet Tayebi, Masoud 2021 Mise.en.scene Academy of Performing Arts Persian Iran
Otelo (Othello) Othello Ríos, Claudia 2009 Spanish Mexico
Otelo (Othello) Othello Bittencourt, Jefferson 2014 Persona Cia de Teatro Portuguese Brazil
Otelo (Othello) Othello Pérez Puig, Gustavo 1972 Radiotelevisión Española (RTVE) Spanish Spain
Otelo da Mangueira Othello Herz, Daniel 2006-2007 Portuguese Brazil
Othelito Othello Brandini, Ângelo 2007 Cia Vagalum Tum Tum Portuguese Brazil
Othello Othello Miyagi, Satoshi 2005 Ku Na Uka Theatre Company Japanese Japan
Othello Othello Perng, Ching-hsi Green Music, Inc. Mandarin Taiwan, Taipei
Othello Othello Bene, Carmelo (1937-2002) 1979 Italian Italy
Othello Othello Aydoğan, Kemal 2024 Moda Sahnesi Turkish Turkey
Othello: A Play in Black and White Othello Abel, Roysten 1999 India
Othellos, Cyprus Theatre Organization Othello Charalambous, Nikos 2010 Cyprus Theatre Organization (Thoc) Cyrpus
Pericles Pericles Ninagawa, Yukio 2003 Japanese Japan
Pericles Pericles Kim, Kwang Lim 2010 Hwadong Theater Company Korean Korea
Poor Poor Lear King Lear Krohn, Katja; Sallinen, Nina 2013 English Macedonia
Prince of the Himalayas Hamlet Hu, Sherwood 2006 Hu's Entertainment; Shanghai Film Studios English, Tibetan Tibet
Puck (Midsummer Night’s Dream) Midsummer Night's Dream Koike, Shuuichirou 1992 Takarazuka Revue Japanese Japan
Puck de una noche de verano Midsummer Night's Dream Díaz, Marcelo 1995 Teatro El Galpón Spanish Uruguay
R & J de Shakespeare: Juventude Interrompida (R & J: Youth Interrupted) Romeo and Juliet Fonseca, João 2011 Portuguese Brazil
Raja Lear King Lear Bhuthiadia, Sharad 1993 Pratyaya Theatre Marathi India
Ran King Lear Kurosawa, Akira 1985 Greenwich Film Production S.A. Paris / Herald Ace / Nippon Herald Films Japanese Japan
Rei Lear (King Lear) King Lear Andreato, Elias 2014 Portuguese Brazil
Reshma Aur Shera Romeo and Juliet Dutt, Sunil 1971 Ajanta Arts Hindi India
Rey Lear (King Lear) King Lear Szuchmacher, Rubén 2009 Grupo La Plaza Spanish Argentina
Ricardo 2 (Richard II) Richard II Singer, Enrique 1996 Spanish Mexico
Ricardo III Richard III Módena, Sergio 2014 Portuguese Brazil
Ricardo III (Richard III) Richard III Guerin Hill, Claudio 1967 Radiotelevisión Española (RTVE) Spanish Spain
Riccardo III (Richard III) Richard III Bene, Carmelo (1937-2002) 1977 Italian Italy
Richard Richard III Bayülgen, Okan 2022 Kabare Dada Turkish Turkey
Richard II Richard II Morrison, Conall 2012 Ashtar Theatre Arabic United Kingdom
Richard III Richard III Perng, Ching-hsi Green Music, Inc. Mandarin Taiwan
Richard III Richard III Varsimashvili, Avtandil 2014 Liberty Theatre Georgian Georgia
Richard III Richard III Wang, Xiaoying 2012 The National Theatre of China Mandarin United Kingdom
Richard III: An Arab Tragedy Richard III Al-Bassam, Sulayman 2007 Sulayman Al-Bassam Theatre (SABAB) Arabic, English Greece
RIII Richard III Cardeña, Chema 2005 Arden Producciones Spanish Spain
Rock Hamlet Hamlet Jeon, Hoon 1999 Seoul Musical Company Korean South Korea
Romeo & Juliet: at the Globe Theatre Romeo and Juliet Villela, Gabriel 2000 Grupo Galpão Portuguese United Kingdom
Romeo and Juliet Romeo and Juliet Perng, Ching-hsi Green Music, Inc. Mandarin Taiwan
Romeo and Juliet Romeo and Juliet Oh, Tae-suk 2001 Mokwha Repertory Company Korean South Korea
Romeo and Juliet Romeo and Juliet Bartlett, Neil 2008 Royal Shakespeare Company English United Kingdom
Romeo and Juliet Romeo and Juliet Chen, Lincang 2008 Binghamton University; National Academy of Chinese Theater Arts English United States
Romeo and Juliet Romeo and Juliet Oh, Tae-suk 2006 Mokwha Repertory Company Korean South Korea
Romeo and Juliet Romeo and Juliet Projkovski, Dejan 2013 Macedonian Macedonia
Romeo and Juliet Romeo and Juliet Kilavuz, Ilhan Yadigar; Kiris Yatagan, Yasemen 2018 Department of English Language and Literature, Süleyman Demirel University English Turkey
Romeo and Juliet ’99 (Bow Shakespeare Series #3) Romeo and Juliet Ueda, Keiko 1999 Takarazuka Revue Japanese Japan
Romeo and Juliet (Digital Stage series) Romeo and Juliet Çı̇çek, İbrahı̇m 2021 Turkish
Romeo and Juliet in Saigon Romeo and Juliet Moustache, Cliff; Nguyen, Khai Thu 2012 Hat Boi Theater Company Vietnamese Vietnam
Romeo and Juliet Unplugged Romeo and Juliet Lü, Po Shen 2009 Tainaner Ensemble Mandarin Taiwan
Romeo Must Die Romeo and Juliet Bartkowiak, Andrzej 2000 Silver Pictures English United States
Romeo y Julieta Romeo and Juliet Zamit, Jose 2012 OFF Teatre Spanish Spain
Romeo y Julieta (Romeo and Juliet) Romeo and Juliet Páramo, José Antonio 1972 Radiotelevisión Española (RTVE) Spanish Spain
Romeu & Julieta (Romeo & Juliet: An excellent and lamentable dessert) Romeo and Juliet Teatro Praga 2017 Teatro Praga Portuguese Portugal
Romeu e Julieta Romeo and Juliet Villela, Gabriel 1992 Grupo Galpão Portuguese Brazil
Romeu e Julieta (Romeo and Juliet) Romeo and Juliet Inoue, Nena; Vogue, Mauricio 2009 Espaço Cênico Portuguese Brazil
Romeu e Julieta – Shakespeare para todos (Romeo and Juliet – Shakespeare For All) Romeo and Juliet Cabral, Márcio 2015 Elefants Companhia de Teatro Portuguese Brazil
Romeu e Julieta: Ontem Verona, Hoje Vidigal (Yesterday Verona, Today Vidigal) – (2009) Romeo and Juliet Fraga, Gutti (Guti) 2009 Nós do Morro Portuguese Brazil
Rosaline’s Curse [based on Romeo and Juliet] Romeo and Juliet Tayebi, Masoud 2023 Mise.en.scene Academy of Performing Arts Persian Iran
Samrat Lear (King Lear) King Lear Brown, John Russell 1997 National School of Drama Hindi India
Search: Hamlet (Edison Theatre) Hamlet Ong, Keng Sen 2002 FACE to FACE; TheatreWorks, Singapore English, Indonesian, Japanese, Malay Denmark
Search: Hamlet (Kronborg Castle) Hamlet Ong, Keng Sen 2002 FACE to FACE; TheatreWorks, Singapore English, Indonesian, Japanese, Malay Denmark
Sen noci svatojánské (A Midsummer Night’s Dream) Midsummer Night's Dream Trnka, Jiří 1959 Czech Czechoslovakia
Shakespeare in Tempo Year 12 Hamlet Ninagawa, Yukio 2005 Ninagawa Studio Japanese Japan
Shakespeare in Yemen Hamlet, King Lear, Macbeth, Merchant of Venice, Richard II Hazaber, Amin; Hennessey, Katherine 2018 Arabic, English United States
Shakespeare Must Die Macbeth Kanjanavanit, Ing (Ing K) 2012 Thai Thailand
Shakespeare Wallah Othello, Richard II, Romeo and Juliet Ivory, James 1965 Merchant Ivory Productions English, Hindi India
Shamlet (Sha mu lei te) Hamlet Lee, Kuo-hsiu 1992 Ping Fong Acting Troupe Mandarin Taiwan
Shamlet (Sha mu lei te) Hamlet Lee, Kuo-hsiu 1995 Ping Fong Acting Troupe Mandarin China
Shamuleite (Shamlet) Hamlet Lee, Kuo-hsiu 1996 Ping Fong Acting Troupe Mandarin Taiwan
Shamuleite (Shamlet) Hamlet Wang, Yue 2000 Ping Fong Acting Troupe Mandarin Taiwan
Sholay Romeo and Juliet Sippy, Ramesh 1975 Sippy Films Pvt. Ltd. Hindustani India
Sintang Dalisay (Romeo and Juliet) Romeo and Juliet Abad, Ricardo 2017 Ateneo Fine Arts; Tanghalang Ateneo Filipino Philippines
Sogno di una notte d’estate Midsummer Night's Dream Salvatores, Gabriele 1983 Italian
Someone Is Sleeping in My Pain: An East-West Macbeth Macbeth Roes, Michael 2001 Arabic, English Yemen
Sonho de uma Noite de verão (A Midsummer Night’s Dream) Midsummer Night's Dream Teatro Praga 2010 Teatro Praga Portuguese Portugal
Sonho de Uma Noite de Verão (Midsummer Night’s Dream) Midsummer Night's Dream 2002 Cia. do Abração Portuguese Brazil
Sonho de uma noite de verão (Midsummer Night’s Dream) Midsummer Night's Dream Marchioro, Marcelo 1991 Portuguese Brazil
Sonho de uma Noite de Verao: uma intromissao do grupo Nós do Morro no mundo de Shakespeare (Midsummer’s Night Dream) Midsummer Night's Dream Mello da Costa, Fernando 2004 Nós do Morro Portuguese Brazil
Sua Incelença Ricardo III (His Excellency Richard III) Richard III Villela, Gabriel 2010 Grupo de Teatro Clowns of Shakespeare Portuguese Brazil
Sueño de una noche de verano (Midsummer Night’s Dream) Midsummer Night's Dream Faesler, Juliana 2009 Spanish Mexico
Synchretic Hamlet Hamlet Oliveira, Jessé 2005 Grupo Caixa Petra Portuguese Brazil
Taitasu Andoronikasu (Titus Andronicus) Titus Andronicus Ninagawa, Yukio 2006 Ninagawa Studio Japanese United Kingdom
Te Tangata Whai Rawa o Weniti (The Maori Merchant of Venice) Merchant of Venice Selwyn, Don 2002 He Taonga Films Ltd. Māori New Zealand
The Al-Hamlet Summit Hamlet Al-Bassam, Sulayman 2004 Sulayman Al-Bassam Theatre (SABAB) Arabic, English Japan
The Al-Hamlet Summit (English version 2002) Hamlet Al-Bassam, Sulayman 2002 Sulayman Al-Bassam Theatre (SABAB); Zaoum Theatre English United Kingdom
The Banquet Hamlet Feng, Xiaogang 2006 Huayi Brothers / Media Asia Films LTD Mandarin China
The Dance of the Scorpions Hamlet Abū Dūma, Maḥmūd 1989 Arabic Egypt
The Dance of the Scorpions Hamlet 2009 Arabic Egypt
The Hamlet Syndrome Hamlet Tayebi, Masoud 2022 Mise.en.scene Academy of Performing Arts Persian Iran
The Hollow Crown: Henry IV, Part 1 Henry IV, part 1 Eyre, Richard 2012 NBCUniversal; Neal Street Productions; WNET, channel 13 (aka Thirteen) English United Kingdom
The Hollow Crown: Henry IV, Part 2 Henry IV, part 2 Eyre, Richard 2012 NBCUniversal; Neal Street Productions; WNET, channel 13 (aka Thirteen) English United Kingdom
The Hollow Crown: Henry V Henry V Sharrock, Thea 2012 NBCUniversal; Neal Street Productions; WNET, channel 13 (aka Thirteen) English United Kingdom
The Hollow Crown: Richard II Richard II Goold, Rupert 2012 NBCUniversal; Neal Street Productions; WNET, channel 13 (aka Thirteen) English United Kingdom
The Intimate Memoirs of Madame Shakespeare di Biasi, Emilio 2007 Portuguese Brazil
The King and the Clown (Wang-ui namja) Hamlet, Taming of the Shrew, Twelfth Night Lee, Joon-ik 2005 Eagle Pictures Korean South Korea
The London 2012 Summer Olympics Tempest Boyle, Danny 2012 English UK
The Love-Story of Romeo and Juliet Romeo and Juliet Andrade, Elza 1998-1999 Portuguese Brazil
The Magic Hour Midsummer Night's Dream, Othello Raina, Arjun 2000 Khelkali India
The Merchant in Venice Merchant of Venice Coonrod, Karin 2016 Compagnia de’ Colombari (Company Colombari) English Italy
The Merchant of Venice Merchant of Venice Saini, Vijeta 2019 The Struggler Theatre Group Punjabi India
The Red Violin Girard, François 1998 Channel Four Films English Canada, Italy, United Kingdom
The Speaker’s Progress (Twelfth Night) Twelfth Night Al-Bassam, Sulayman 2011 Sulayman Al-Bassam Theatre (SABAB) Arabic, English United States
The Street Taming of the Shrew Taming of the Shrew Oliveira, Jessé 2009 Grupo de Teatro Ueba Portuguese Brazil
The Tale of Lear King Lear Suzuki, Tadashi 1988 Suzuki Company of Toga English, Japanese U.S.A.
The Taming of the Shrew Taming of the Shrew Perng, Ching-hsi Green Music, Inc. Mandarin Taiwan
The Taming of the Shrew Taming of the Shrew Chung, Hsing-lin Tracy 2003 Denison University, Ohio English United States
The Taming of the Shrew (Digital Stage series) Taming of the Shrew Çı̇çek, İbrahı̇m 2021 Turkish
The Tempest Tempest Ninagawa, Yukio 1992 Ninagawa Studio; Royal Shakespeare Company Japanese United Kingdom
The Tempest Tempest Tsui, Hark; Wu, Hsing-kuo 2004 Contemporary Legend Theatre Company Mandarin Taiwan
The Tempest Tempest Panikkar, Kavalam Narayana 2000 India
The Tempest Tempest Leday, Annette 2000 India
The Tempest Tempest Perng, Ching-hsi Green Music, Inc. Mandarin Taiwan
The Tempest Tempest Dattani, Mahesh; Walling, Michael Playpen India
The Tempest Tempest Tsui, Hark; Wu, Hsing-kuo 2008 Contemporary Legend Theatre Company Mandarin China
The Tempest Tempest Tsui, Hark; Wu, Hsing-kuo 2009 Contemporary Legend Theatre Company Mandarin South Korea
The Tempest Tempest Sohn, Jin-Chaek 2009 Korean Korea
The Tempest Tempest Lepage, Robert 2011 Ex Machina French Canada
The Tempest Tempest Arabic Egypt
The Tempest Tempest Adès, Thomas; Lepage, Robert 2012 Ex Machina; Festival d'Opéra de Québec; The Metropolitan Opera; Wiener Staatsoper English, French Canada
The Tempest Tempest Taymor, Julie 2010 English United States
The Tempest Tempest Oh, Tae-suk 2011 Mokwha Repertory Company Korean Scotland
The Tempest Tempest Mirrione, James; Sturgess, Kim C. 2015 The Doha Players English Qatar
The Tempest Tempest Donnellan, Declan 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 Cheek by Jowl; The Chekhov International Festival Russian France
The Tempest (Bow Shakespeare Series #6) Tempest Yoshimasa, Saitou 1999 Takarazuka Revue Japanese Japan
The Tragedy of Prince Zi Dan (Revenge of the Prince) Hamlet Shi, Yu-kun 2006 Shanghai Jingju Company Mandarin China
The Winter’s Tale Winter's Tale Perng, Ching-hsi Green Music, Inc. Mandarin Taiwan
The Winter’s Tale (Bow Shakepeare Series #1) Winter's Tale Kodama, Akiko 1999 Takarazuka Revue Japanese Japan
The Winter’s Tale (International Version) Winter's Tale Kurita, Yoshihiro 2008 Ryutopia Noh-theatre Shakespeare Japanese Japan
The Winter’s Tale -Barcarolle- Winter's Tale Kurita, Yoshihiro 2005 Ryutopia Noh-theatre Shakespeare Japanese Japan
Timon de Atenas Timon of Athens Gomlevsky, Bruce 2014 Courtesy of Cultural Embassy Brasil Editora e Produtora Ltda. Portuguese Brazil
Timon of Athens Timon of Athens Deguchi, Norio 1996 Shakespeare Theatre Japanese
Titus Titus Andronicus Taymor, Julie 1999 Fox Searchlight/Clear Blue Sky Production English Italy, United Kingdom, United States
Titus 2.0 Titus Andronicus Tang, Shu-wing 2009 Tang Shu-wing Theatre Studio (formerly No Man's Land Group) Cantonese China
Titus Andronicus Titus Andronicus Wang, Chia-ming 2003 Shakespeare’s Wild Sisters Group Taiwan
Titus Andronicus (1992) Titus Andronicus Purcarete, Silviu 1992 Teatrul National 'Marin Sorescu' - Craiova Romanian Romania
Tombstone Henry V, Henry VI, part 2 Cosmatos, George P. 1993 Cinergi Pictures Entertainment English United States
Troilo e Cressida (Trolius and Cressida) Troilus and Cressida Borgia, Gianpiero 2009 Teatro dei Borgia Italian Italy
Tromeo and Juliet Romeo and Juliet Kaufman, Lloyd 1997 Troma Entertainment English United States
Trono de Sangue (Throne of Blood/Macbeth) Macbeth Antunes Filho, José Alves 1992 Grupo de teatro Macunaíma Portuguese Brazil
Twelfth Night Twelfth Night Perng, Ching-hsi Green Music, Inc. Mandarin Taiwan
Feste, Sir Toby, and Sir Andrew Twelfth Night Twelfth Night Safonov, Pavel 2017 Moscow Academic Theatre of Satire Russian Russia
Twelfth Night (Bow Shakespeare Series #4) Twelfth Night Kimura, Shinji 1999 Takarazuka Revue Japanese Japan
Twelfth Night (Digital Stage series) Twelfth Night Çı̇çek, İbrahı̇m 2021 Turkish
Two Roses for Richard III Richard III Baltar, Cláudio; Ferreira, Fábio 2012 Companhia BufoMecânica; Royal Shakespeare Company Portuguese United Kingdom
Un Amleto di meno Hamlet Bene, Carmelo (1937-2002) 1972 Italian Italy
University of Laughs (Warai no daigaku) Romeo and Juliet Mamoru, Hoshi 2004 Fuji Television Network Japanese Japan
Ur-Hamlet Hamlet Barba, Eugenio 2006 Odin Teatret Balinese, Danish, English, Japanese, Portuguese Denmark
Wangzi fuchou ji (The Revenge of the Prince) Hamlet Su, Leci 1994 Shanghai Yueju Company Mandarin China
War and Eternity Hamlet Wu, Hsing-kuo 1990 Contemporary Legend Theatre Company Mandarin Taiwan
Wayang Tempest Tempest Jenkins, Roger 2001 3.14 Company (Singapore) Singapore
Wayne & Shuster’s Shakespearean Slapstick Hamlet, Julius Caesar, Macbeth, Richard III, Romeo and Juliet 1954-1991 English Canada
When Hamlet Went to Mizoram Hamlet Butalia, Pankaj 1990 Vital Films Mizo India
William Shakespeare’s Romeo + Juliet Romeo and Juliet Luhrmann, Baz 1996 English United States
World Shakespeare Festival Tempest 2012 UK
Wu shi sheng fei (Much Ado About Nothing) Much Ado About Nothing Jiang, Weiguo; Sun, Huairen 1986 Anhui Huangmeixi Troupe Mandarin China
Zbutja e Kryeneces (Taming of the Shrew) Taming of the Shrew Haxhiraj, Fatos 1988 Teatri Kombetar (National Theatre of Albania) Albanian Albania
Ᾱh Min Ḥawā’ (Beware of Eve) Taming of the Shrew Abdel Wahab, Fatin 1962 Arab Cinema Company Arabic Egypt