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We are pleased to announce the publication of MIT Global Shakespeares co-founder Alexa Alice Joubin’s Screening Shakespeare, a new, open-access, online textbook with interactive learning modules. You can learn about key concepts of film and adaptation studies. The openly-licensed book is free to all. You can learn about film theory, mise-en-scène, cinematography, sound and music, and adaptation strategies in the context of global Shakespeare.


This online book is designed with the principle of multimodal access. There are multiple pathways to the contents with plenty of cross-references.

Click one of the thematic “tiles” on the homepage to access the contents in a non-linear fashion.

You can also navigate this site, in a more traditional manner, by way of drop-down menus that replicate the experience of leafing through a codex book with a table of contents.

The lesson units cross-reference one another. They do not have to be read in any particular order.

This online book is supported directly by the George Washington University Adapting Course Materials for Equity Faculty Grant and indirectly by the Online Course Development grant.

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