About This Clip
Kral Lear (King Lear)
Kocaeli City Theatre’s King Lear (2012-2013) production has traces of Kurosawa and Manga Shakespeare. Scenes of forced hair removal for disguise, katanas, and the use of water below the stage platform, create a powerful and multisensory experience of the demise of a kingdom and its former king. The overwhelming use of the color black alongside the use of slashes of blood transforms the else contemplative interpretations of Shakespeare’s play into a more action-packed rendition.
Ümit Bakış (Lear)
Engin Benli (France)
Ozan Şahin (Burgundy)
Çağrı Mengüç (Albany)
Utku Oğuz (Cornwall)
Ahmet Yaşar Özveri (Gloucester)
Koray Onur (Kent)
Tekin Ezgütekin (Oswald)
Fatih Sevdi (Edmund)
Serhat Güzel (Edgar)
Erdem Irmak (Fool)
Esra Bezen Bilgin (Regan)
Funda İlhan (Goneril)
Pınar Ünsal (Cordelia)
Production Team
Malcolm Keith Kay
Costume and Décor
Efter Tunç
Yaşar Demirkan
Çiğdem Erken
İlker Sevüker
Ferdi Yıldız
Özdemir Nutku
For more information, visit Tiyatro Online.

Ümit Bakış (Lear) and Ahmet Yaşar Özveri (Gloucester) in Kral Lear (2012-2013), image from Tiyatro Online.
Further Reading
Öğütcü, Murat. “Contemporary Turkish Shakespeares: New Breath to Old Lives.” Early Modern Liveness: Mediating Presence in Text, Stage and Screen. Eds. Danielle Rosvally and Donovan Sherman. London: Arden, 2023. 145-169.
Production notes provided by Associate Professor Dr. Murat Öğütcü, Adıyaman University, Turkey.
Related Productions
- El rey Lear (King Lear) (Reyes, Marcos; 1967)
- Kral Lear (King Lear) (Coleman, Basil; 1981)
- Kral “Soyatrım” Lear (“My Fool” King Lear) (Sertdemir, Yiğit; 2014)
- Rei Lear (King Lear) (Andreato, Elias; 2014)
- Rey Lear (King Lear) (Szuchmacher, Rubén; 2009)