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Shakespeare in India – Bibliography

By September 1, 2013 bibliography

Lai, Ananda and Sukanta Chaudhuri, eds. Shakespeare on the Calcutta Stage: A Checklist, Calcutta: Papyrus, 2001.

Nagarajan, S., and S. Viswanathan, eds. Shakespeare in India, Delhi: Oxford University Press, 1987.

Narasimhaiah. C.D., ed. Shakespeare came to India, Bombay: Popular Prakashan, 1964.

Paul, Sunita, ed. A Tribute to Shakespeare, New Delhi: Theatre and Television Associates, 1989.

Shakespeare in India, a brochure. National Library, Calcutta, 1964.

Shankar, D.A., ed. Shakespeare in Indian Languages, Shimla: Indian Institute of Advanced Study, 1999.

Trivedi, Poonam and Dennis Bartholomeusz. eds. India’s Shakespeare: Translation, Interpretation and Performance, Newark: University of Delaware Press, 2005.

For articles on Shakespeare in India see:

Awasthi, Suresh. “The Intercultural Experience and the Kathakali King Lear,” New Theatre Quarterly IX: 34, May 1993: 178.

Chatterjee Sudipto, and Jyotsna Singh, “Moor or less? The surveillance of Othello, Calcutta 1848.” in Shakespeare and Appropriation, ed. Christy Desmet and Robert Sawyer, London: Routledge, 1999.

Mangala Frost, Christine, “30 Rupees for Shakespeare: A Consideration of Imperial Theatre in India,” Modern Drama 35 (1992) 93.

Loomba, Ania, “Shakespearian Transformations,” in Shakespeare and National Culture, ed. John Joughin, Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1997.

—————, Introduction with Martin Orkin, and “‘Local-manufacture made-in-lndia Othello fellows’:
Issues of race, hybridity and location in post-colonial Shakespeares,” in Postcolonial Shakespeares, ed. Ania Loomba and Martin Orkin, London and New York: Routledge, 1998.

Singh, Jyotsna, “Different Shakespeares: The Bard in Colonial / Postcolonial India,” in Shakespeare: Varied Perspectives. ed. Vikram Chopra, 1st. pub. Theatre Journal 41 (1989).

—————, “The Postcolonial/Postmodern Shakespeare,” in Shakespeare: World Views eds. Heather Kerr. Robin Eades and Madge Mitten, Newark: University of Delaware Press, 1996.

—————, Colonial Narratives: Discoveries of India in the Language of Colonialism, London : Routledge, 1996.

Trivedi, Harish. “Shakespeare in India: Colonial Contexts,” in Colonial Transactions: English Literature and India, Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1995; 1st. pub. Calcutta: Papyrus, 1993.

Trivedi, Poonam. “Interculturalism or Indigenisation: Modes of Exchange, Shakespeare East and West,” in Shakespeare and his Contemporaries in Performance. ed. Edward J. Esche, London: Ashgate, 2000.

—————, “Re-locating Shakespeare: Acting and Re-acting to Othello in India,” in Shakespeare
in China: Perspectives and Performances: A Collection of Theses
, Shanghai: Shanghai Theatre Academy, 1999.

—————, “Shakespeare on the Stages of Asia,” section on India, in the Cambridge Companion
to Shakespeare on Stage, eds. Stanley Wells and Sarah Stanton, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002.

—————, “Reading Other Shakespeares,” in Remaking Shakespeare: Performance Across Media, Genres and Cultures, eds. Pascale Aebischer, Edward J. Esche and Nigel Wheale, London: Palgrave, 2003.

—————, “Re-dressing Shakespeare: Ethnic Identity and Costume in Indian Productions of Shakespeare,” Ethnicity and Identity : Globlal Performance ed. Ravi Chaturvedi and Brian Singleton, Jaipur: Rawat Publishers, 2005.

Zarrilli, Philip B., “For Whom is a King a King? Issues of Intercultural Production, Perception, and Reception in a Kathakali King Lear,” in Critical Theory and Performance, eds. Janelle G. Reinelt and Joseph R. Roach. Ann Arbor: U of Michigan P, 1995.

For Indian theatre see:

Awasthi, Suresh, Performance Tradition In India, New Delhi: National Book Trust, 2001.

Das Gupta, Hemendra Nath. The Indian Stage. rpt., New Delhi: Munshiram Manoharlal, 2002.

Richmond, Farley P., Darius L. Swann and Philip Zarrilli, Indian Theatre: Traditions of Performance, Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1990; and Delhi: Motilal Banarasi Dass, 1993.

Varadpande, M.L., History of Indian Theatre, 2 vols., New Delhi: Abhinav Publications, 1992.

Vatsayayan, Kapila, Traditional Indian Theatre: Multiple Streams. New Delhi: National Book Trust, 1980.

Yajnik, R.K., The Indian Theatre, London: Allen and Unwin, 1933.

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