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Kral Lear (King Lear)
The productions of King Lear in Turkey over the years have included many famous actors playing the title role: Cüneyt Gökçer in 1958 and 1980, Çetin Tekindor in 2002, and Haluk Bilginer in 2018.
King Lear is a play often read but rarely performed for many reasons, one of which is the need for a stellar cast, even in the small roles. Cüneyt Gökçer, who also served as the General Art Director of the Turkish State Theatres (Devlet Tiyatroları) between 1958 and 1983, takes a bold step himself, and takes on Lear, one of the world’s most tragic figures. Anyone with an interest in Shakespeare in Turkey knows that Gökçer is one of the legendary luminaries in the history of Shakespeare on the Turkish‑speaking stage. In the production directed by world-renowned English director Basil Coleman, Cüneyt Gökçer is surrounded by top flight actors such as Zafer Ergin, Atilla Olgaç, Sönmez Atasoy, Kenan Işık, Turgay Tanülkü, Erdal Küçükkömürcü etc. which makes it a truly an all-star cast. Ably supported by this wonderful cast and production team, his magnificent, passionate and moving performance as Lear gives the Turkish audience a truly enticing, angry and altogether excellent production.
It is no exaggeration to say that this production of King Lear by the Turkish State Theatres, filled with action, excitement, and despair is unlike anything you have seen before.
Cast & Crew
Duke Of Cornwall – Ati̇lla Olgaç
Goneril – Bi̇rol Türker Uzunyayla Ök
Messenger – Can Öztopçu
Cordelia – Canan Teki̇ndor Özdenoğlu
Earl Of Gloucester – Cemal Aykut Sözeri̇
Edgar – Cemi̇l Sönmez
Duke Of Burgundy – Cezmi̇ Gökalp
Edmund – Ci̇han Ünal
Lear – Cüneyt Gökçer
Fool – Erdal Küçükkömürcü
Doctor – Fi̇kret Ergi̇n
Regan – Gülgün Kutlu Tuğsavul
Third Servant – Hasan Bahadir Özyurt
Duke Of Burgundy – İsmai̇l Rahmi̇ Di̇lli̇gi̇l
King Of France – K. Lemi̇ Bi̇lgi̇n
Duke Of Albany – Kenan Işik
Messenger – M. Şaki̇r Gürzumar
Second Gentleman – Mehmet Babür Nutku
Messenger –Mehmet Yavuz Köken
Second Servant – Muharrem Savaş Tamer
First Gentleman – Muhi̇tti̇n Alpteki̇n Ertürk
First Servant – Murat Gökçer
Oswald – Mustafa Şekerci̇oğlu
Old Man – Osman Adnan Başer
Duke Of Burgundy – Rahmi̇ Di̇lli̇gi̇l
Second Gentleman – Serhat Nalbantoğlu
Earl Of Gloucester – Sönmez Atasoy
First Gentleman – Turgay Tanülkü
Earl Of Kent – Zafer Ergi̇n
Goneril – Zafer Kayaokay
Author: William Shakespeare
Translator: İrfan Şahi̇nbaş
Director: Basil Coleman
Assistant Director: Ataman Özben
Assistant Director: Lale Boran
Stage Designer: Roger Andrews
Costume Designer: Roger Andrews
Lighting Designer: Mehmet Nuri̇ Özakyol
Sound Designer: Sabahatti̇n Kalender
Stage Manager: Mehmet Çeti̇n Akant
Prompter: Cenap Savaşçi
1) Haftalık Aktüalite Mecmuası Yıl: 8, Cilt: XXIII, Sayı: 397. 1962, Ankara. 25-31.
3) Ozansoy, Halit Fahri. “Kral Lear”, Son Havadis Gazetesi. , nr. 910, 1982.
Articles & Essays
1) Laurence Raw. Exploring Turkish Cultures: Essays, Interviews and Reviews. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2011, p. 153-162.
(This chapter deals with the 1982 production of King Lear and gives insight into the production.)
4) Devlet Tiyatroları. (2000, August 1). Republic Of Türkiye Ministry Of Culture and Tourism.
Theatre Program and Production Stills
Courtesy of the Turkish State Theatres (Devlet Tiyatroları)
- King Lear (Cüneyt Gökçer) divides his kingdom and gives Regan (Gülgün Kutlu Tuğsavul) her inheritance.
- From left to right: Goneril (Bi̇rol Uzunyayla Türker) and Albany (Kenan Işık), Cordelia (Canan Teki̇ndor Özdenoğlu) and the King of France (K. Lemi̇ Bi̇lgi̇n), Cornwall (Ati̇lla Olgaç) and Regan (Gülgün Kutlu Tuğsavul).
Kral Lear (King Lear)
Related Productions
- El rey Lear (King Lear) (Reyes, Marcos; 1967)
- Kral Lear (King Lear) (Kay, Malcolm Keith; 2012-2013)
- Kral “Soyatrım” Lear (“My Fool” King Lear) (Sertdemir, Yiğit; 2014)
- Rei Lear (King Lear) (Andreato, Elias; 2014)
- Rey Lear (King Lear) (Szuchmacher, Rubén; 2009)