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A Midsummer Night’s Dream
Musical theatre in cabaret atmosphere: Patrícia Fagundes’ adaptation for the stage of A Midsummer Night’s Dream subverts traditional protocols by fusing multiple media, such as theatre, dance and music, and by mixing and refashioning elements from popular culture and mass media. The Brazilian director’s decision to set the play in a cabaret, transporting the inventive Shakespearean plot into the cultural imaginary of the 20th century is highly appropriate if we think about the fragmented, multiperspective structure that governs the texture of the play. Likewise, the appropriation of Broadway musical conventions is also adequate in terms of her purpose to reproduce the festive atmosphere implicit in Shakespeare’s play. In this production, the hybridization of different media, languages and codes enriches the performance text besides revitalizing Shakespeare’s dramaturgy.
Production: Cia Rústica
Direction, translation and adaptation: Patrícia Fagundes
Cast: Álvaro Vilaverde; Eduardo Kraemer; Elisa Volpatto; Heinz Limaverde; Julia Rodrigues; Lisandro Bellotto; Leonardo Machado; Marcelo Bulgarelli; Rafael Guerra; Renata de Lélis; Roberta Savian; Serginho Etchichury and Tatiana Cardoso.
Setting: Patrícia Fagundes
Lighting: Eduardo Kraemer
Music: Marcelo Delacroix e Simone Rasslan
Costumes: Antonio Rabadan
CAMATI, A. S. A Midsummer Night’s Dream: Patricia Fagundes’ Intermedial Performance Aesthetics. Aletria, v. 23, n. 3, set./dez. 2013, p. 141-156. <www.periodicos.letras.ufmg.br/index.php/aletria/article/view/4942> [Download PDF]
Production notes provided by Anna Stegh Camati
A Midsummer Night’s Dream
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- Sonho de uma Noite de Verao: uma intromissao do grupo Nós do Morro no mundo de Shakespeare (Midsummer’s Night Dream) (Mello da Costa, Fernando; 2004)